IRB Review Process

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IRB Review Process

The information below outlines the IRB process for submissions, review, and modifications. As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us. 


Submit the completed IRB application to Attach any supplementary materials, such as consent forms, recruitment documents, survey questions, and permission letters.  

Before submitting your IRB application, be sure to sign it! All IRB applications require an official signature. If you're a student researcher, both your signature and your faculty advisor's signature are required. 


The IRB administrative office coordinates with the Institutional Review Board to complete the review process. 

If the protocol is determined to require Full Board Review, the IRB will review the application during a convened meeting. The IRB meets on the second Friday of the month.  

After a protocol is reviewed, either by the Full Board or by secondary review, the PI may receive a revisions request. Revisions requests may occur more than once before approval. Responding to revisions requests in a timely manner ensures that the protocol is reviewed with minimal delays.  


When protocols are approved, a formal memo is generated to the PI. Research cannot begin until you receive your official approval letter from the IRB. 

IRB Modification Process

Need to make changes to your study protocol?   

Request a modification!  

The preferred method for a modification request is:   

  1. Submit a memo detailing your proposed changes and the corresponding locations in the application and associated documents.   
  2. Submit your application and associated documents with changes highlighted in some way (the same changes you described in the memo). 
  3. Submit your consent documents, even if there were no changes to them.  

These documents and changes will then be reviewed in the same manner as a new application (including a verification of CITI training of key personnel).  If revisions are necessary, the process will proceed in the same manner as the application review process. 

How do review levels effect my IRB submission?

There are three levels of IRB review. The IRB determines the level of review for each study. No matter what level your study is reviewed under, you are expected to submit an IRB application and any supplemental materials for your research. 

If a research protocol requires a full board review, the Principal Investigator (PI) must submit all necessary application materials no later than the preceding Friday. Board decisions require a quorum. For additional information regarding the IRB board and/or meeting dates, please contact the IRB Coordinator.  

Select the review level below to learn more!

The "exempt" review level doesn't mean that your protocol is exempt from IRB review! A study is reviewed as exempt if it involves human subjects, the risk level is extremely low, and the time commitment for participants is relatively short in duration