Responsible Conduct of Research
Main Content
All researchers have the ethical and moral obligation to conduct their University-sanctioned research responsibly and to train their staff and students in the responsible conduct of research. Many issues related to research integrity are covered by government or university policies, but some are too complex to be governed by policy documents. Adherence to responsible research practices must be part of the legacy that each mentor passes on to his or her students as part of the research training process.
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training
- SIUC Implementation Plan
- RCR Training Matrix
- CITI RCR Training
- Example Training Log Template
- Research Misconduct - The Lab Video
Other Resources
- Code of Ethics for Principal Investigator
- SIUC Policy on Research Misconduct
- On Being a Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research (3rd ed., 2009) is a good resource for teaching ethics in research and should be read by all neophyte and experienced researchers.
- From the National Academies: Ensuring the Integrity, Accessibility, and Stewardship of Research Data in the Digital Age.