- Export Controls
Export Controls
Export control involves the federal regulation of how certain information, technologies and commodities can be transferred to other countries and foreign nationals. The academic community must take specific steps to protect their research involving military and dual use application.
In addition, financial and other transactions with certain countries, companies and individuals fall under export control laws. Failure to comply with export control laws may have serious consequences for both the institution and the personnel involved.
It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator/Project Director (PI/PD) on any project or contract to be aware of this policy and to notify the correct university office of any potential export control issues.
- Center for Environmental Health and Safety
Center for Environmental Health and Safety
The Center for Environmental Health and Safety (CEHS) was formed to coordinate all activities associated with the environmental regulatory compliance for Southern Illinois University Carbondale. It's mission is to serve the campus community by providing technical services, training, model written programs, consultation, periodic audits and compliance assistance.
The Center is comprised of Environmental Compliance, Laboratory and Hazardous Waste, Occupational Health and Safety, and Radiation Safety.
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Facilities and Energy Management
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
If an educational, research, outreach, or administrative opportunity arises that may involve the use of UAV equipment; contact Facilities and Energy Management to assist you in meeting your obligations to the University and to the FAA.
SIUC’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems policy has been developed and implemented to protect the safety and privacy of faculty, staff, students, visitors, and the community; to protect University buildings and property; and address liability, insurance, and regulatory concerns while facilitating the use of UAS technology.
Applications to utilize UAS for research, teaching, business operations and third-party operations are subject to the review and approval of the University and should be submitted to the Office of Facilities and Energy Management or its designee.
- Office of Technology Transfer
Office of Technology Transfer
The Office of Technology Transfer helps SIU researchers to assess their inventions for commercial potential, secures intellectual property (IP) rights for promising technologies, and provides administrative support for legal and contractual agreements with collaborating institutions and businesses. We perform patentability and marketability searches, negotiate confidentiality and material transfer agreements with third parties, prepare and prosecute patent applications, license intellectual property to commercial entities, enforce intellectual property rights, and advocate for entrepreneurship and innovation at SIU.