The Southern Illinois University Carbondale Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for reviewing all human subjects research projects, regardless of discipline or funding source, conducted by individuals affiliated with SIU, including students. This review protects not only the human subjects involved in a research project, but also the researcher and, by extension, the University.
All applications must be submitted to and reviewed by the IRB. If you do not know if your study is considered "Human Subjects Research," as best practice, please submit an IRB application for review.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) meets on the second Friday of each month. If a research protocol requires a full board review, the Principal Investigator (PI) must submit all necessary application materials no later than the preceding Friday. Board decisions require a quorum. For additional information regarding the IRB board and/or meeting dates, please contact the IRB Coordinator.
Institutional Review Board Members
Dan Becque, IRB Chair, Kinesiology
Najjar Abdul-Musawwir, Art & Design
Brian Coffey, Community Member
Paul Copeland, Veteran Services
Daniel Hillyard, Criminology & Criminal Justice
Eric Jacobs, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
Sarah Kroenlein,Office of Research Compliance
Cortney Meyer, Community Member
Grant Miller, Curriculum and Instruction
Registration and Assurance Info
Human Subjects Assurance Number: 00005334 Human Subjects Assurance Expiration: 06/09/2027